Monday, March 24, 2014

Lord Farquaad fitting

The fitting for Lord Farquaad was Saturday morning.  I was able to pin and mark all crucial measurements using a hodge-podge of partially-completed pieces.  

This morning, I sorted through the pinned pieces and started putting them together.  There were only a few additional pieces to cut – the other upper sleeve and red stripes for the sleeve.  I sewed on the red stripes for the 2nd upper sleeve, attached the yellow arm band to the knit lower sleeve, then attached that to the upper sleeve, tightly packing the gathers at the lower edge of the puff.  Then I sewed the arm seam, using a zig zag on the knit section.   Then I repeated these steps with the other sleeve.  After sewing the shoulder and side seams of the tunic, I set in the sleeves, working in the gathers at the top of the sleeve.   The gauntlets had to be interfaced, and the interfacing had to in turn be covered with more blue fleece so the white wouldn’t show.  So there were unanticipated additional steps, but the resulting stiffness of the gauntlet was worth it.  I had to sew on the gold braid by hand – something I usually avoid at all costs! – but it actually was quick and easy.   I sometimes dread what turns out to be the easiest thing.

I have to confess, as I worked I had delusions.    For example, each piece I worked on seemed the hardest.  “If I can just get this part finished, the rest will be easy.”   Hahaha!   Actually, some parts I dreaded ended up being easy (setting in the sleeve) and something that should have been easy seemed hard (the gauntlet!  Lack of planning on my part.).    Another delusion I had was “any regular clothing I make in the future will be easy compared to this!”  Hahaha again, I am sure!  But at least then I would have a pattern.  For this costume, I only had a pattern for the tunic.

Here is what I have so far:  The tunic, with skirt and sleeves attached, shown.  The gauntlets.  The hat (needing a shaped foam inside).   NOTE:  The tunic is draped over a FEMALE mannequin that is not the same size as our actor.  Just sayin.

Still to go:  The gloves (I hope to find some blue knit that matches, otherwise I will have to use the bulky blue fleece), the collar, the cape (needs additional width, black lining, and gold trim), the belt (maybe use the blue satin I have), the foam for the inside of the hat, and gold trim for the tunic, skirt, and hat.   And I thought I was halfway done – maybe not!

My goal is to complete these tomorrow, Tuesday, so I can begin the Wedding costume on Wednesday.  The show opens on April 3, a week from Thursday!

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